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Louhan fish is a type of fish that is resistant to 'hardiness' from the influence of temperature or low hardness. However, the name of living creatures can still be disrupted health, especially when conditions are weak. Weak lou han fish conditions can be caused by poor water conditions or pathogenic bacterial attack. Weak condition of fish can get worse if knowledge of fish physiology and treatment of disease is not mastered, therefore knowledge of the nature of the disease, as well as treatment must be mastered clearly.

Maintenance of louhan fish actually depends on the taste of its owner, what is important is the technique or methods must be known in advance. Things that must be considered in maintaining louhan fish, include:

Aquarium Conditions and Equipment

To support your health and appearance, aquarium cleanliness must be considered. A dirty aquarium can be a source of disease for you. What is usually the source of aquarium faeces is leftover food, moss, remnants of medicine and louhan feces. The benchmark in cleaning the aquarium is the level of aquarium dirt, the condition of the equipment and supporting accessories must also be considered. If it is not clean or does not function as it should, this equipment and accessories can be a source of disease.

Water quality

Water is an important factor in improving quality. Water must be clean of toxic materials that originate from water sources, fish metabolic waste or excess food waste. Although louhan fish is classified as an ornamental fish which has a high tolerance to water quality, various water parameters must be kept in mind. Before use, water needs to be deposited in the reservoir. Storage can be in the form of used barrels or fiberglass.

Feed Quality and Gift

In order for your pet to remain beautiful, the feed given must contain a balanced menu. The wrong feed can make you feel stressed and don't like to eat. A balanced diet has adequate carbohydrates, protein, fat, minerals and vitamins. Feeding must be in accordance with the rules so as not to quickly pollute the aquarium, so it does not cause disease. Feed must also be sufficient for fish to grow quickly, feeding with frequency more often with an amount that is not too much better than the feeding of rare food with excessive amounts.


Louhan fish is an ornamental fish that looks beautiful and attractive with a variety of bright colors. Louhan fish cultivation has been done in Indonesia, both by breeders or ornamental fish entrepreneurs and hobbyists.

According to the systematics, Lou fish can be classified as follows:

 Order: Percomorphoidei
 Sub Order: Percoidea
 Family: Cichlidae
 Genus: Cichlasoma
 Species: Red Flower Horn 

Although Louhan fish is an ornamental fish species that is relatively resistant to disease infections, if the water quality of the breeding site is not suitable for the fish, then problems will arise. This problem will get worse if the handling is done in an imperfect way, especially for fish that have just been brought in from other places. One problem that is often detrimental to ornamental fish farmers is the problem of disease. One important thing to note is that Louhan has a volatile nature. This is because louhan is the result of a crossing of several types of fish belonging to the cyclid family (Cichlidae) of the genus Cichlasoma. In addition, the cross-marital process that does not follow the correct rules will result in a decrease in genetic quality. The effect of this genetic degradation is a decrease in fish's resistance to disease.

Louhan fish (Cichlasoma sp) is one of the new types of ornamental fish that has a beautiful appearance with high economic value. This fish began to bloom discussed in Indonesia since 2001 with various designations, namely Flower born, Flower louhan, and sun go kong. Another name is pearl from the east.

Louhan fish is the result of crossing from other cyclid fish species, namely Cichlasoma synpilum with Cichlosoma cycnoguttatum (Neetropus carpintis). The crossing between these cyclids is carried out by people from Malaysia. But now there are many crosses between other types of cyclid fish, both by local and foreign breeders, so that a variety of Louhan fish is obtained. Some species which are ornamental fish of the Cichlidae family that are well known in Indonesia include Oskar (astronautus ocellatus), texas (Cichlasoma cyanoguttatum), zebras (cichlasoma nigrofasciatum), angel fish or manvis (Pteophylum spp), and discus (Cichlasoma cyanoguttatum), zebras (cichlasoma nigrofasciatum), angel fish or manvis (Pteophylum spp), and discus (Symphysodon discus) .

Spread Area

Fish belonging to the Cichlidae family are found in Latin American, Asian and African waters. However, according to breeder experts in Malaysia, most Louhan families come from Latin American waters, such as Mexico, Paraguay and Colombia. Thanks to the tenacity of the beeder in Malaysia, in just three years. Louhan has become a phenomenal fish, beating all kinds of prestigious exotic fish in Asian countries.

Its distribution in Africa and Madagascar reaches 700 species and only 3 species are found in Asia. Some species of the Cichlidae family found in Africa are endemic species, so they cannot be found in other areas. These species usually lay eggs not far from where they live. Some lay eggs on rocks, leaves of aquatic plants, sand, and oral cavity. These species both male and female have a strong instinct to protect the eggs or offspring.

Selection of Parent Candidates

The types of male and female parent chosen are adjusted to the expected breed, the resulting offspring is a combination of genetic factors of the two parents. When viewed physically, the male parent has a slimmer body with the distance between the mouth and nongnong close, while females have a more rounded body and fat in the abdomen and the distance between the mouth and nongnong is rather far. Male Louhan has more color variations and solid, while female Louhan is rather pale. This is indeed not absolute because there are also females who display bright colors, but at least this prediction has an 80% chance of correctness.

Spawning Mains

Louhan fish is a solitary living fish, because it matches Louhan requires a special strategy. The prospective parent is placed in a glass-enclosed aquarium, let the two know each other until the female louhan is fully cooked and the male is ready to fondle it. In the process of recognition usually females will be more aggressive than males. The best matchmaking is 2.5 years male and 2 years old female, at this age more fertilized eggs and larger offspring.

Caring for Eggs and Breeds

After being paired and ready to be separated, within a maximum of three days louhan will lay eggs in the form of ceramic eggs laid at the bottom of the aquarium. Within three days the eggs usually begin to hatch. On day 4 the aquarium was filled with louhan burayak. Burayak still has reserves of egg yolk in its body until the 4th day after hatching. On the 5th day, we were given filtered water flea feed, feeding 3-4 times / day. that must be considered is the feed given once exhausted and not soiled the aquarium quickly.



D. Setiawan, 2003. Atlas Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia.

Firmansyah A dan Syafei L.S, 2005. Buku Seri Kesehatan Ikan “Louhan Sehat Produksi Meningkat”. Sekolah Tinggi Penyuluhan Pertanian, Jurusan Penyuluhan Perikanan, Bogor.

S. Hambali, 2001 Mewaspadai dan Menanggulangi Penyakit Pada Louhan. Agromedia Pustaka, Jakarta.

S. Suwandi, 2002 Memilih Anakan dan Meningkatkan Kualitas Louhan. Agromedia Pustaka, Jakarta


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